預測 1:藝人經濟的開端 The start of an artist economy

(MIDiA Research)

預測 2:微型社區的興起 The rise of micro-communities

(MIDiA Research)

預測 3:創作者工具的革命 The creator tools revolution

(MIDiA Research)

預測 4:線上直播的專業化 Live streaming professionalises

(MIDiA Research)

預測 5:音樂持續做為一種資產類別 Music continues to deliver as an asset class

(MIDiA Research)

預測 6:使用者生成內容的加速 UGC continues to accelerate

(MIDiA Research)

預測 7:授權與藝人品牌合作的爆發 Licensing and Artist Partnerships Explode


預測 8:版權生意的擴張 Publishing Business Booms


預測 9:暢銷曲更加重要 Hits Become More Important


預測 10:大型經紀公司捉襟見肘,小型公司問世 Splinter Agencies Emerge As The Majors Deal With Debt
